From a typical mackem mum.
As our little prince & princesses are about to return to school after the school holidays heres the real 6 weeks countdown. .
Week 1...Well my little cherubs mammy and daddy have a lot of big suprises for you two in these holidays planned..
Week 2...Well today we off to the beach hope you enjoyed the fair yesterday...
Week 3 ..Well today daddy cant make it to the zoo with us hes a bit busy ( "hey up hes fucking sick of the kids already ")
Week 4 .."Mam where we going today " ?..nowhere just play in your room ..(aye there starting to get on her tripe now )
Week 5 ..George im getting sick of these 2 cunts now they've done nothing but fucking fight ..
Week 6 ...I swear down if you 2 bastards dont keep the fucking noise down upstairs al fucking crack ya reet across the bastard face with my high hell shoe..Eee I cant fucking wait till these go back to school they got me pissing demented ..
via Funny Forums by Jokeroo
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